sign Safety Waiver

Click here to download & print the safety waiver

Or fill the e-sign application below:

Before you shoot at our facility, please read and understand the following safety precautions:

  • Guns must be safe and be seen to be safe at all times. This means transporting o/u shotguns broken and pump or semi auto shotgun actions open and visibly safe.
  • Eye and ear protection is mandatory.
  • Make sure that your ammunition is of the correct gauge. 7 ½ or smaller.
  • Always keep your gun pointed in a safe direction, away from other shooters. Use of pouch or deep pockets is recommended, as bending down with a loaded gun to retrieve shells from a box is potentially dangerous. 
  • Guns must be carried to the shooting stations unloaded. Do not load the gun until you are at the shooting station and ready to shoot.
  • Never load more than two shells for any reason.
  • When moving to a new shooting station, such as trap, skeet, or 5 stand, check that your gun is empty and safe. Do not reload until you’re at the next station and ready to shoot. 
  • Again, use shot size of 7.5 or smaller. (8, 8.5, 9). Leave heavy hunting loads at home. 
  • For safety reasons, the use of alcoholic beverages and recreational drugs are not permitted at C.C.T.S. If a request is made prior to a charity or corporate event, permission may be granted by the board if strict rules are adhered to. The shoot event must be concluded and all guns put away. C.C.T.S. is not involved in supplying beverages, and the charity or corporation involved must provide proof of insurance for their event.
  • Carefully observe any posted safety signs.

Finally, we need to collect your computer's IP address in order to legally validate your identity and complete the e-signature.

Please go to this website ( and copy & paste your Public IPv4 address into the box below, it should be a string of numbers in this format 12.345.67.89

If you don't want to or are unable to paste you IPv4 address please download the printable form at the top of the page.
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